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Desborough People
William Cheney


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   3623 1.0 William Cheneymale
14209 Father: Benjamin Cheney    b. about 1775 at Rushton, Northamptonshire    d. 06 Jul 1855 at Rothwell, Northamptonshire
14210 Mother: Mary Blunsom    b. about 1786 at Thorpe Malsor, Northamptonshire    d. 22 Mar 1856 at Rothwell, Northamptonshire
Birth: about 1809, at Rushton or Rothwell, NorthamptonshireCensus
Death: 31 Dec 1862, age: 53yMI   memorial
Burial: at Harrington, NorthamptonshireMI
Probate: 26 Feb 1863  executors, etc

Married: Mary Ann Willis  at Thorpe Malsor, Northamptonshire by Licence, 26 Apr 1836Contact
b. about 1817, at Thorpe Malsor, NorthamptonshireCensus
Birth: 1837, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireCensus
Baptism: 03 Jul 1837 at Harrington, NorthamptonshireContact
Death: 26 Aug 1869 , at Newborough, CambridgeshireContact
Burial: 31 Aug 1869 at St Bartholomew, Newborough, CambridgeshireContact
Married: Harriett Letts  at Haselbech, Northamptonshire 23 Jun 1863Contact
b. 23 Jun 1844, at Haselbech, NorthamptonshireContact

   36313.1 Frances Annie Cheneyfemale
Note: son John Thomas L Willoughby born abt 1890 Kettering district (He married Athelie Ault)
Birth: 11 May 1864, at Besthorpe, NottinghamshireContact
Death: 02 May 1920 , at 160 Wilford Rd, Nottingham, NottinghamshireContact
Married: James Willoughby  about 1890BMD
b. 13 Oct 1862, at Woodstock, OxfordshireBirth Cert

   84693.2 Benjamin Cheneymale
Benjamin's first wife was his cousin, daughter of his mother's elder sister Mary
Birth: 18 Oct 1865, at Besthorpe, NottinghamshireContact
Death: 18 Aug 1961, age: 95yContact

Additional Information: Crime/Civil Actions
Married: (1) Annie Pelley  at Paddington, London 19 May 1889Parish Reg
b. about 1869, at St Pancras, LondonCensus

Married: (2) Clara Elizabeth Wills  1926BMD
b. 21 Apr 1878, at Northampton, NorthamptonshireBirth Cert

   37303.3 Mary Maria Cheney   also known as Mary Maria Marlowfemale
Birth: 11 Jul 1869, at Newborough, CambridgeshireBirth Cert
Death: 05 Sep 1958 , at Rothwell, NorthamptonshireDeath Cert
Married: Robert Panter  1888BMD
b. 25 Mar 1868, at DesboroughBirth Cert

   84704.1 Walter Robert Pantermale
Birth: 19 Feb 1890, at DesboroughBirth Cert
Death: 15 May 1916, age: 26MI   memorial
Burial: at Pieta Cemetery, MaltaMI

   84714.2 Clifford Arthur Pantermale
Birth: about 1898, at DesboroughCensus

   116554.3 Harriett Elizabeth Panterfemale
Birth: about 1901, at DesboroughWW1 Army

Additional information: Wedding photograph
Married: John Robert March  1927BMD
b. about 1902, at Rothwell, NorthamptonshireCensus

   36272.2 Ann Maria Cheneyfemale
Birth: 1839, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireBMD
Death: 06 Apr 1881, age: 42yMI   memorial
Burial: at Harrington, NorthamptonshireMI
Probate: 03 Sep 1881  executors, etc

   36342.3 Charles Willis Cheneymale
Birth: about 1841, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireCensus
Married: (1) Sophia Jane Willan  1870BMD
b. about 1849, at Tewkesbury, GloucesterCensus

Married: (2) Catherine Nancy Broadley  about 1876BMD
b. about 1842, at Clitheroe, LancashireCensus

   36252.4 William Cheneymale
William and his sister Maria Ann married sister and brother Mary and Frederick Kilborn
Birth: about 1842, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireBMD
Death: 31 Jan 1925, age: 82yMI   memorial
Burial: at Harrington, NorthamptonshireMI

Additional Information: BMD Announcements
Married: Mary Kilborn  at Braybrooke, Northamptonshire 19 May 1870Mercury
b. 1847, at Ashley, NorthamptonshireBMD

   142133.1 Emily Kate Cheneyfemale
Birth: about 1872, at Aldwinkle, NorthamptonshireCensus

   142143.2 William Robert Cheneymale
Birth: about 1873, at Aldwinkle, NorthamptonshireCensus

   142153.3 Richard Blunsom Cheneymale
Birth: about 1876, at Aldwinkle, NorthamptonshireCensus

   142163.4 William Willis Cheneymale
Birth: about 1876, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireCensus

   142173.5 Frederick E Cheneymale
Birth: about 1884, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireCensus

   142183.6 Cecilia Cheneyfemale
Birth: about 1887, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireCensus
Birth: about 1844, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireCensus
Death: 21 Jul 1894, age: 49yMI   memorial
Burial: at Harrington, NorthamptonshireMI
Probate: 08 Sep 1894  executors, etc
Married: Charlotte Kilborn  about 1869BMD
b. 01 Jun 1841, at DesboroughCensus
Birth: about 1870, at DesboroughCensus
Baptism: 31 Mar 1871 at DesboroughIGI
Married: Frederick Arthur Linthwaite  1899BMD
b. about 1874, at Nottingham, NottinghamshireCensus

   142044.1 Harold A Linthwaitemale
Birth: about Sep 1900, at Northampton, NorthamptonshireCensus
Maria Ann and her brother William married brother and sister Frederick and Mary Kilborn
Birth: about 1846, at Harrington, NorthamptonshireCensus

Additional Information: BMD Announcements

Additional information: Marriage Certificate 
Married: Frederick Kilborn  at Lambeth, London 26 Dec 1869Parish Reg
b. about 1843, at Ashley, NorthamptonshireCensus

   99203.1 Richard C Kilbornmale
Birth: about May 1870, at DesboroughCensus

   99213.2 Robert Kilbornmale
Birth: about 1872, at Wissendine, RutlandCensus

   99223.3 Frederick Kilbornmale
Birth: about 1874, at Wissendine, RutlandCensus

   99233.4 William Kilbornmale
Birth: about 1876, at Braybrooke, NorthamptonshireCensus

   99243.5 Henry Kilbornmale
Birth: about 1878, at Braybrooke, NorthamptonshireCensus

   99253.6 Cecilia Kilbornfemale
Birth: about 1880, at Braybrooke, NorthamptonshireCensus
Baptism: 26 Dec 1886 at DesboroughIGI

   99313.7 Ann Kilbornfemale
Birth: about 1882, at Braybrooke, NorthamptonshireCensus
Baptism: 26 Dec 1886 at DesboroughIGI

   99323.8 Frank Kilbornmale
Birth: about 1885, at Braybrooke, NorthamptonshireCensus
Baptism: 26 Dec 1886 at DesboroughIGI

   99333.9 Charles Kilbornmale
Birth: about 1888, at Barton Seagrave, NorthamptonshireCensus

   36292.7 Richard Blunsom Cheneymale
Birth: 1848, at DesboroughBMD
Death: 16 Dec 1873, age: 25yMI   memorial
Burial: at Harrington, NorthamptonshireMI

   36302.8 Mary Maria Cheneyfemale
Birth: about 1854, at Loatland House, DesboroughCensus
Death: 21 Mar 1894, age: 39yMI   memorial
Burial: at Arthingworth, NorthamptonshireMI
Married: Thomas Willington Wakefield  1886BMD
b. about 1833, at Hurley, WarkwickshireMIabout 1833



The numbers at the right of the page are unique reference numbers.

The source follows each piece of information. If the source is underlined a full citation will be shown when you hover over it. Click on any link to switch to that person's details page.

Estimated dates of birth (treat with caution - they could be decades out!)
:- where there is a marriage or children recorded, the date is estimated at 16-18 years before the earliest date;
:- where there is only a burial known, if the person or their spouse is described as "old", the birth is estimated at 50 years earlier; if they are described as "very old", the birth is estimated at 60 years earlier; if neither, the birth is estimated at 18 years earlier.

Estimated dates of death are given as a visual aid to point up whether or not they survived their spouse.

Before 1752 the calendar year started on 25th March; dates where the year appears as, eg: "1650/51" show the year as it would have been given at the time (in this example 1650), and the year by the modern calendar (1651). Jan-Mar dates before 1752 which don't show this "double-dating" are from secondary sources which haven't made clear which dating system has been used.

Source Codes

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