You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Buswell > Mary Buswell (1864 - 1890) > Census details

Desborough - People
Mary Buswell

NameMary Buswell     descendant tree, etc
NoteSimeon Watts Panter was married to "Mary" and widowed between 1881 and 1891, with 2 daughters born to them about 1887 and 1890. BMD shows Mary Buswell and Mary Seaton as possibles. BMD shows a death for Mary Panter in 1890, aged 26; it looks as though Mary died in childbirth. The best match for all this is Mary Buswell (parents: Joseph and Eliza Buswell)
FatherJoseph Buswell
MotherEliza [not known]
Married Simeon Watts Panter 

1841 Census

1851 Census

1861 Census

1871 Census : Great Oxendon, Northamptonshire
4Census date: 2 April 1871
Joseph BuswellHead Mar 36 LabourerClipston  Northamptonshire
Eliza BuswellWife Mar 34 Naseby  Northamptonshire
Charles BuswellSon 9 ScholarClipston 
Mary BuswellDaur 8 ScholarClipston 
Sarah BuswellDaur 5 ScholarClipston 
Arthur BuswellSon 2 ScholarClipston 
Frank BuswellSon 6m Gt Oxendon  Northamptonshire

1881 Census : Old, Northamptonshire
11Census date: 3 April 1881
Joseph BuswellHead Mar 46 Lay EvangelistClipstone  Northamptonshire
Eliza BuswellWife Mar 44 Naseby  Northamptonshire
Mary BuswellDaur Un 17 Clipstone 
Sarah Ann BuswellDaur 15 Clipstone 
Arthur BuswellSon 12 ScholarClipstone 
Frank BuswellSon 10 ScholarOxendon  Northamptonshire
Agnes BuswellDaur 8 ScholarOxendon 

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