Desborough - People
Jabez Spriggs
1841 Census1851 Census1861 Census1871 Census
: Birmingham, St George, Warwickshire166 | Vampyre Yard
no. 2 | Census date: 2 April 1871 |
Name | Relation | Cond. | M. | F. | Occupation | Birthplace | Info. |
Thomas Spriggs | Head | Mar | 50 | | Wire Weaver | Birmingham
Warwickshire | |
Hannah Spriggs | Wife | Mar | | 55 | | Desbro
| |
Ruth Spriggs | Daur | Unm | | 16 | Press Girl | Rothwell
Northamptonshire | |
Jabez Spriggs | Son | | 8 | | | Birmingham
| |
Ephraim Spriggs | Son | Mar | 23 | | Labourer | Rothwell
| |
Sarah L Spriggs | Daur in Law | Mar | | 21 | Laundress | Birmingham
| |
Maria Spriggs | Grand Daur | | | 1 | | Birmingham
| |
Richard Townsend | Gd Son | | 10m | | | Birmingham
| |
Ephraim Townsend | Gd Son | | 5m | | | Birmingham
| |
The age given for Richard Townsend may be an error. There was a 5m old child of that name in 1861 and the same family would not have two children born 4 months apart1881 Census
: Birmingham, St Thomas, Warwickshire77 | 34 Hurst St
no. 11 Back | Census date: 3 April 1881 |
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