You are here: Desborough > Surnames > Marriott > Edward William Marriott (1852 - ) > Census details

Desborough - People
Edward William Marriott

NameEdward William Marriott     descendant tree, etc
FatherWilliam Marriott
MotherSusanna Wiggins

1841 Census

1851 Census

1861 Census : Market Deeping, Lincolnshire
47Market PlaceCensus date: 7 April 1861
William MarriottHead Mar 43 Independent Minister of Market Deeping ChapelRowell  Northamptonshire
Susan MarriottWife Mar 40 Fineshade  Northamptonshire
Mary MarriottDaur Un 15 Rowell  Northamptonshire
Fanny C MarriottDaur Un 11 ScholarRowell  Northamptonshire
Ed Wm MarriottSon 9 ScholarRowell  Northamptonshire
Walter MarriottSon 7 ScholarRowell  Northamptonshire
Eliza Jane MarriottDaur 6 ScholarRowell  Northamptonshire
Annie MarriottDaur 3 ScholarRowell  Northamptonshire
Arthur Wiggins MarriottSon 11m Market Deeping  Lincolnshire

1871 Census

1881 Census

1891 Census

1901 Census

1911 Census

1939 Census

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