Contraction of "administration". Letters of Administration granted by probate to empower executors to carry out the terms of a will
Burying in Woollen
To protect the wool trade an Act of Parliament during the reign of Charles II decreed
from and after the First day of August One thousand six
hundred and seaventy eight noe Corps of any person or persons shall be
buryed in any Shirt Shift Sheete or Shroud or any thing whatsoever made
or mingled with Flax Hempe Silke Haire Gold or Silver or in any Stuffe
or thing other then what is made of Sheeps Wooll onely or be putt into
any Coffin lined or faced with any sort of Cloath or Stuffe or any other
thing whatsoever that is made of any Materiall but Sheeps Wooll onely
upon paine of the Forfeiture of Five pounds of lawfull Money of England
to be recovered and divided as is hereafter in this Act expressed and
directed. From: 'Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for burying in
Woollen.', Statutes of the Realm: volume 5: 1628-80 (1819), pp. 885-886.
II Date accessed: 22 August 2009.
To ensure compliance, clergymen were required to keep
burial records and to obtain from the relatives of the deceased, or from
'other responsible persons' an affidavit that the act had been complied
with. If a woollen shroud could not be afforded, the deceased was buried
The first burial in Desborough following the Act was that
of the widow
Elizabeth Haseldine, who was buried 31 Aug 1678.
the legal concept that, on marriage, a woman's legal rights were merged
with those of her husband. A married woman could not own property, sign legal documents or enter into a
contract, obtain an education against her husband's wishes, or keep a salary for herself. [from
In dates this refers to the current month (see also: Ult.)
Joint Tenants
Where property is held by more than one person as "joint tenants" when one dies his portion goes to the other joint
tenant. See also "tenants in common".
A lamb eight or nine months old, and until his first shearing, is called a heder or sheder, hog, hogget, or lamb-hog [Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, 1851]
Matriculation: the process of becoming a member of (enrolling as a student in) a university.
Pensioner - a student at Cambridge university who paid a fixed annual fee. See also
Pleb. is short for "plebeian", meaning a "commoner". A student in the university of Oxford who is not
dependent on any foundation for support, but pays all university charges. The term used at Cambridge is
Archaic term for a week (a seven-night).
The difficulty is to determine precisely what is meant by phrases such as "On Tuesday se'nnight"
when found in a newspaper report published on a Saturday. My conclusion
from looking at a variety of transcriptions on the internet is that
"last" or "next" would be used for the Tuesday nearest to the Saturday,
whilst se'nnight would be used for the Tuesday more than a week before
or after the Saturday.
A ram being one and a half to two years old.
A term used at Cambridge University for a student who received an allowance towards his
college expenses by acting as a servant to others.
Sturk (or Stirk): a heifer or bullock, especially between one and two years old.
Tenants in Common
Where property is held by more than one person as "tenants in common" each holds a specified amount of the property. When one dies his portion of the property goes to his
own heirs. See also "joint tenants".
Theave (pl. Theaves): a young female sheep, usually before her first lamb
Uniformity, Act of
The Act of Uniformity in 1662:
"An Act for the Uniformity of Publique Prayers and Administration of Sacraments & other Rites & Ceremonies and for establishing the Form of making ordaining and consecrating
Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Church of England."
Yard Land
A certain quantity, "yard-land" land containing from 20 to 40 acres, except at Wimbledon in Surrey
where it contains no more than fifteen acres. [Universal English Etymological Dictionary]
Ult., or Ultimate, in dates refers to the month previous to the current one.
(See also: Inst.)
A young sow.