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British Currency

Pounds, Shillings and Pence

Before decimalisation in 1971 British currency was referred to as 'pounds, shillings and pence' or '£sd' (pronounced 'LSD')

The various denominations of coins were:

NameColloquial Abbreviation Value
(plural: pennies or pence)
copperd. (eg:1d.) 12 = 1 shilling
halfpennyha'penny or ha'pence
½d.2 = 1 penny
farthing ¼d. 4 = 1 penny
threepenny piecethre'penny piece or  thre'pence3d.4 = 1 shilling
sixpenny piecesixpence or
6d.2 = 1 shilling
shillingbob1s. or 1/-20 = 1 pound
florintwo bob2s. or 2/-10 = 1 pound
halfcrowntwo'n'six or
two-and-a-kick or half a dollar
2s. 6d or 2/61 = 2 shillings and 6 pence
crowndollar5s. or 5/-1 = five shillings
half-sovereignhalf-sov.10s. or 10/- 2 = 1 pound
sovereignsov. or quid£1 or £1/-/- 1 pound
guinea £1/1/- 1 pound 1 shilling

Older coins:

Name Value
angel 6s 8d
groat 4d
guinea £1/1/-
mark 13s 4d
noble 8s 4d

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