Extracts from the National Probate Calendar

For an idea of the value of individual estates see the tables comparing the purchasing power of the pound from 1750-2005 in Inflation: the value of the pound 1750-2005 (House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/09) (opens in new window)

National Probate Calendar at Ancestry.co.uk

Kirtley, John George died 12 Jan 1928

John George Kirtley, of 34 Roker Park Road Roker Sunderland, died 12 Jan 1928 at 34 Roker Park Road Roker Sunderland
Probate 05 Dec 1928 at Durham
Executor(s): Herbert Addison Kirtley, Ironmonger
Value of estate: £3703 12s 9d

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