Marriage Certificate

1904 Marriage solemnized at All Saints Church in the Parish of All Saints Hatcham Park in the County of London

Columns -- 12345 678
NoWhen marriedName and surnameAge ConditionRank or profession Residence at the time of marriageFather's name and surname Rank or profession of father
364 April


Thomas Miller 55 Widower Gas-Stoker 31 Falkner St William MillerPlatelayer
Fruse Stephens 44Widow --- 36 Besson St Caleb Razzell
Game Keeper

Married in the Church of All Saints according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me D A Turner Vicar

This marriage was solemnized
between us,
Thomas Millerin the presence
of us,
Robert Razzell
Fruse Stephens Lizzie Razzell


The witnesses were Fruse's brother Robert and his second wife Lizzie