Marriage Certificate

1892 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Camberwell in the County of London

Columns -- 12345 678
NoWhen marriedName and surnameAge ConditionRank or profession Residence at the time of marriageFather's name and surname Rank or profession of father
206 27th
William Robert King 25 Bachelor Electrician 3 Woods Road Robert William King Gentleman
Kate Attwell 25Spinster   3 Woods Road George Attwell  Butcher

Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns

This marriage was solemnized
between us,
William Robert Kingin the presence
of us,
Henry Attwell
Kate Attwell Edmund Alphonse Brattle

Edmund Alphonse Brattle was the youngest brother of William's mother, only five years older than William