In the Name of God Amen
I Bartin Gutteridge, the Elder, of Desborrow in the County of North'ton, Yeoman, being in a good measure of
bodily health, and of sound mind and memory, praysed by God for the same
And being desirous to put my house in order and settle my worldly Estate wherewith God hath been
pleased God to bless me, as knowing that is appointed for all men once to dye, doe make this my last will
and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say
first and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator firmely believing
that I shall receave full pardon and remission of all my sinns and be saved by the meritorious death of
Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and redeemer, and my Body I committ to the Earth from whence it was taken
to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner as to my Executor, herein after named, shall be thought
meet and convenient; and secondly as touching & concerning my said worldly Estate my will and mind is that the
same shall goe and be imployed and bestowed as is here in after wards limitted, expressed, appointed and
And first I doe hereby revoke, renounce, frustrate and make voyd all wills by me formerly made, and doe
hereby declare, publish and appoint this to be my last will and Testament
Item I doe hereby give & bequeath unto my sonn
William Gutteridge the sume of two shillings and six
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Bridgett Manning the sum of Ten Shillings
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Rogers
the like sume of Ten Shill.
these my said Children being already advanced.
Item I give and bequeath to every one of my Grandchildren, the Children of my son William Gutteridge by
his present wife onely excepted) that shall be living at the time of my decease the sume of ten shillings
apeece, to be paid them within six months after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Gutteridge my Messuage, Orchard, Dovehouse, and two yard land
and a halfe, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, now in my owne occupation and situate in
Desborrow aforesaid and which were purchased by my Father and me of one Richard Andrewes, and all my third pole of
pasture ground in Desborrow aforesaid, which did formerly belong to Lewis Easts[?] Farme, and alsoe the
nether end of the five loges[?] next Goddes brooke Wall in Desborrow aforesaid as the same doe lye
below the highway To have and to hold the same to and for the uses and in manner and forme following (that
is to say) as to one full moyetie or halfe parte of the said Messuage, A "pole" is 272.25 square feet, or about 25.29 square metres, so 30 perch equals about 758.7 square metres.
two yard land and an halfe, and thirty
pole of pasture ground, with the appurtenances to the use and behoofe of my said son John Gutteridge his
Heires and Assignes for ever; and as to the other Moyetie or halfe part of the said Messuage, two yard lande
an halfe, and the said neather end of the five loges[?] with the apur'nances to the use and behoofe of the
said John Gutteridge for and during the [???] of his naturall life without impeachment of wast, & from after
his decease to the Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten, and for default of such issue then to the
use of behoof of my son Thomas Gutteridge for and during the [???] of his naturall life without
impeachment of wast, and after his decease with Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten ,and for default
of such issue then to the use and behoofe of my son Bartin Gutteridge his Heires and Assignes for ever.
Item I doe hereby give & bequeath to my Executors, hereinafter named, towards the performance and
execution of this my last will all the Corne, pease, beanes, graine, grass and Hay that shall be growing,
standing, or being at the time of my decease in or upon the yard land and halfe quarterne of a yard land
in Desborrow aforesaid, formerly by me setled by deed on my said sonn Bartin, & every part thereof and then
it is my mind and will that my said sonn Bartin shall have hold and enjoy the said Yard land and Halfe
quarterne of a yard land and all and singular the appurtenances according to the forme, effect and
limitation of
the said Deed of Settlem't, provided alwayes nevertheless that if my said sonn Bartin Gutteridge his heires
or Assignes, or any of them, shall disturbe my said son John Gutteridge, or any person or persons to whom the
said thirty pole of pasture ground shall come and appertaine by virtue of the limitations therein before
expressed and appointed, in the peacable and quiet enjoyment of the said Thirty pole of pasture of ground,
or of any part or parcell of any other Legacie or gifte, to the said John Gutteridge herein and hereby given,
then he the said Bartin Gutteridge his heires and Assignes shall forever lose the benefitt of this my Will
and his and their interest and Estate herein and hereby given and the same shall cease as to him & them
And if my said Sonn John his heires or Assignes, or any of them, or any other person claymeing anything by
this my will, shall in like manner disturbe my said sonn Bartin Gutteridge his heires or assignes in the
peaceable and quiett enjoyment of my lands by me heretofore or hereby setled upon him or confirmed to him,
then and in such case he the said John his heires and assignes and all such other persons soe disturbing
him as aforesaid shall forever shall forever lose the benefit of this my will and his and their Legacies
portions & interests herein and hereby given.
Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonn Bartin Gutteridge the sume of threescore pounds of lawfull
English money to be paid him by my Executor hereinafter named within one yeare next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonn Thomas Gutteridge the summe of one hundred pounds of lawfull
English money to be paid him by my Executor within one yeare after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Allice Gutteridge spinster the sume of one hundred and Fourty
pounds of lawfull English money to be paid her within two months next after my decease by my Executor
hereafter named
Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonn Thomas Gutteridge my Cottage or Tenement and Backside[?]
with all and singular their appurtenances in East Haddon in the said County of North'ton To have and to
hold the same unto him the Said Thomas Gutteridge his heires and Assignes for ever
Item I give unto my Executor hereafter named all my Mortgages whatsoever and Lands mortgaged to me for
the payment of money which are in fee to him and his heires
Item all the rest, residue & remainder of all my goods Cattle, Chattles, money, credit & debts owing to me
after my debts and Lagacies payed and funerall expences and Charges in proving my will and exhibiting an
Inventory of my goods and Chattles discharged, I give and bequeath unto my said sonn John Gutteridge whom I
make sole Executor of this my last will and Testament
In witness whereof I the said Bartin Gutteridge the
Elder have hereunto put my hand and Seale the sixth day of November in the second yeare of the Raigne of
our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary Kinge & Queene over England &ct Annoq Dunibgo[?]
Gutteridge the Elder Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the above named Bartin Gutteridge the deede
or writing above written and contayned after the reading thereof to him to be his last will and Testament
in the presence of Naomi Brampton - John Cricke - Hen Palmer.
I Bartin Gutteridge the Elder above said soe declare that it is my mind and will that whereas I have by
deed heretofore setled on my sonn John certaine lands in Desborough to come to him after my decease & have
annexed a Condition thereto or obliged the said John to pay unto my sonn Thomas the sume of one hundred
pounds and alsoe given the said Thomas one hundred pounds by the above written will the said Thomas my
sonn is not to have two hundred pounds and my Executor paying him the above mentioned hundred pounds in
the will his hundred pounds mentioned in the said Deeds shall cease
Witness my hand and seale the 5th May 1691 Bartin Gutteridge the Elder Signed, Sealed, published and
declared by the above said Bartin Gutteridge in the presence of John Cricke - Hen Palmer
- Tim Walls
Probatum 1st July 1692