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Desborough Study : Settlement Records

Giles Loake
Settlement Certificate from Orton
29th April 1714

  To the Churchwardens & Overseers of ye Poor of Desboro in ye County of Northton
Northton fs [or ss]  

Whereas Giles Loake Cordwayner Late Inhabitant of Overton Als Orton in ye afforesd County of Northton hath been Gone for Some years past to Inhabit & reside in Desboro afforsd & there Married & hath Had Children

Wee the Churchwardens & Overseers of ye Poor of Overton Als Orton afforesd doe hereby Certifie under our hands & Seals ye ye Said Giles Loake is an Inhabitant of Overton Als Orton afforesd & Legall Settled there. And if ye Said Giles Loake his Wife, & Children or any of them Shall happen to become Chargeable to, or forced to Ask or require reliefe of ye Parish of Desboro afforesd . . . That then & in Such case Wee doe hereby oblidg ourselves to recieve & provide for them as persons Inhabiting & Settled in ye parish of Overton Als Orton afforsd according to ye true intent & Meaning of A Late Act of Parliam in ye Case made & provided In Wittness Whereof Wee have hereunto Sett our hands & Seals ye Nine & Twentieth day of April in ye thirteenth yeare of her now Majty Queen Anns reigne over Great Brittain &c. Annoq Dni 1714

Sealed & Delivrd in ye prsence of

George Bosworth
Thomas Falkner
Ben East
Ralph Palmer

 Stephen Worlidge X his marke
William Bryan X his marke
Wee whose hands are hereunder Sett her Majties Justices of ye Peace in ye Said County Doe Allow of this Certificate
W Washbourne
Tho: Parkyns

Desborough is about 2.5 miles north of Orton