Desborough Study : Settlement Records
William Dolby
Bond against Chargeability
27th December 1724
Noverint universi p[er]
p[re]sentes me Willelmo Dolby de
Kettering in Comitat Northton Weaver Teneri firmiter obligari
Bartin Gutteridge et Robert Moore Churchwardens et Gabriel
Watson & Lewis East Overseers of the Poor de Desborough in
Comitat pdict in vigiti Libris bone et Legalis monetae Mag Britanie Solvend eisdem Bartin Gutterindge
& Robert Moore Gabriel Watson & Lewis East Sen eorum altevi
veleorum Certo Attornato Executiborbs
oldm:eos rel Assignatis
eorum ad quam quid Soluc[i]on benefidel:tr
Faciend obligo me
Heredes Executrs Admrs meos firmitr p[er]
p[re]sentes Sigillo
meo Sigillat dat vicesimo septo die Decembr Anno Regni Dom
Georgis Dei Gratia Mag Brittanie Francie et Hiberine Regis
Fidei Defensoris &c uodecimo Annoq Dom 1724
Whereas William Dolby is gone to Setle and Reside at
Kettering by virture of a Certificate given under our hands hath
Covenanted and agreed that he the Said William Dolby will not
take any Apprentices whereby to make the Setlements in the
p[ari]sh of Desborough afores[ai]d
Now the Condic[i]on of this
obligac[i]on is Such that if the above
bounden William Dolby Shall well and truly observe p[er]form and
keepe the Covenant and agreement above menc[i]oned According to
the true intent and meaning thereof that then this obligac[i]on
to be void & of none effect or else to be and Remaine in full
form & virtue
Sealed & Deliver'd in the
Presence of
the paper being first Duly Stamp'd According to Act of Parliam[en]t |
William X Dolby his marke
Thomas X Wallis his mark
Jonathan Rudkin
Jos Lole