Desborough Study : Settlement Records
Peter Gray
Bond against Chargeability
18th November 1714
Noverint[?] universi p[er]
p[re]sentes me Peter Gray de
Lubnun in Comitatu Leicestr pisto Teneri firmiter obligari
Bartin Gutteridge & William Buckby Churchwardens & Thomas Loake
& Richard Lole overseers of the poore of Desborough in the
County of Northton in quadraginita libris bone et legalis monete
mag britani Solvend eidem Bartin Gutterindge Will Buckby Thomas
Loake & Richard Lole aut Suo Certo Atturnato Executibus
Suis ad quam quidem Solution bene Fidelit faciend obligo me
heredes Executrs admrs meos firmitr p[er]
p[re]sentes Sigillo
meo Sigillat dat decmo oct die Novembr Anno Regni Domns nostri
Georgius prim dei gratia magnus Britania Francie et Hibern Regis
fidei Defens &c uno Anno Dom 1714
The Condic[i]on of this
Obligac[i]on is Such that if the
above Bounden Peter Gray doth not take any Apprentices or hire
any Servants for a yeare to make them settlements in the Parish
of Desborough in the County above said that then this
shall be voide and of none effect but if the said Peter Gray
shall take any Apprentices or hire any Servants to make them
Settem[e]nts in the
p[ari]sh of Desborough
afores[ai]d them this
obliga[t]ion shall be and remaine in full force & virtue
Sealed & Deliver'd the paper being
first stamp'd according to the Late Act of Parliam[e]nt in
the presence of us |
Peeter Gray
Wm Iliffe
William [illegible]
Note: If Peter, whilst living in Lubenham[?] in Leicestershire under a
certificate of legal settlement from Desborough, took an
apprentice or hired a servant for a year the said apprentice/servant would
subsequently have the right to legal settlement at Desborough. They could then
become a financial burden to the parish if they became unable to support
themselves; hence the requirement for him to sign this bond with the
churchwardens and overseers of the poor at Desborough.