Desborough Study : Settlement Records
William & Mary Smith
Settlement Certificate
from Mursley in Buckinghamshire
9th September
To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of the Parish
of Desborough, in the county of Northampton and to every of them
In Pursuance of a Late Act of Parliament entitled, an Act for Supplying
Some Defects in the Law for the Reliefe of the Poor of this Kingdom.
We the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Mursley
in the County of Bucks (whose Names are hereunder written) doe hereby
Certifie the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of
Desborough aforsd that William Smith, and Mary his wife, are Inhabitants
Legally Settled in our Said Parish of Mursley and we doe hereby Acknowledge
them So to be, And we do hereby for us and our Successors Promise that he,
or she, or any family that he now hath, or hereafter shall have, shall not
at any time become Chargeable unto your Said Parish of Desborough by reason
of him and his Family Residing there, And we do hereby further Promise for
us and our Successors, that if he or she or any of his family he now hath,
or hereafter shall or may have, Shall at any time hereafter become
Chargeable to your Said Parish of Desborough to receive and Provide for them,
or either of them, as the Said Act directs: Given under our Hands and Seales
this Ninthe day of September, in the Sixtht yeare of the Reigne of our
Sovereigne Lord George, by the Grace of God over Great Brittain France and
Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. Annoq: Dond: 1719.
Sealed and Delivered (being stampt) in the
Presence of us Parishoners of Mursley aforesd, Owning the Persons
Mentioned in the above Written Certificate Inhabitants Legally
Settled in our Said Parish of Mursley:
Richard Collyer
John Harris |
John Stoirdiss [?]
Francis Carrot [?]
Church Wardens
John Bonto [?]
Newman Willsalt [?]
Overseers of the Poore
We whose Names are hereunto Sett, being Two of his Majestyes
Justices of the Peace for this County of Bucks, Do allow of this
Certificate above Written
Tho: Busby
R Lowndy |
Desborough is about 40 miles north of Mursley
(the map shows the location of Mursley, south-west of Milton Keynes)