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Desborough Study : Settlement Records

Henry and Mary Lenton
Settlement Certificate from Rushton
28th October 1703

Northton ss:

In Persuance of An act of Parliamt made in the Ninth and Tenth years of His Late Majesties Raigne Intitled An Act for Supplying some Defects in the Lawe for the Relieffe of the Poore In this Kingdome Wee the Churchwardens And Overseers of the Poore of Rushton in the said County of Northton Doe Hereby Certifie the Churchwardens And Overseerrs of the Poore of Desborrow in the said County of Northton that Henry Lenton and Mary his wife late of Rushton Are Inhtants And are Legally settled in our said Parish and Townshipp of Rushton aforesaid And in Persuance of the said Act Doe hereby Oblige ourselves Church Wardens & Overseers of the Poore of Rushton aforesaid (for the time being) And our Successors to Receive & Provide for the said Henry Lenton and Mary his wife when ever they or any of them shall become chardgable to the said Parish of Desborow or be forced to Ask while therein ??? they Doe in the meane time Require to themselves a Legall Settlement in the said towne of Desborow whereof wee the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of Rushton aforesaid Doe and have Subscribed our names And sett to our seales this eight & twentieth day of October in the Second yeere of the Raigne of Our Saveraign Lady Ann By the Grace of God of England Scotland & France And Ireland Queene Defender of the Faith Annoq Dni 1703

Memd that the word Ann was interlaid[?] before this was sealed and Delivered And then Sealed and Subscribed by the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of Rushton aforesaid in the p'sence of us


Dan: Reading
Henry Burditt
Church Wardens
Thomas Burton
Memd that this Certificate was writt upon double Fan?pt Paper  
Seene and allowed by us whose names are hereunto Subscribed Justices of the Peace of the said County According to the Tenor of the said Act of Parliamt Dan Hull
overseers of the Poore
John Peake
Ja: Robinson

Andrew St John

Desborough is about 3 miles west of Rushton