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Desborough Study : Settlement Records

James and Alice Aprice
Removal Order 29th January 1724/5
from Desborough to Rothwell

Northton ss:

To ye Churchwardens and Overseers of ye Poor of ye Parish of Desborough in ye sd County. And also to ye Churchwardens and Overseers of ye Poor of ye Psh of Rothwell in ye sd County of Northampton and to each and every of them.

Complaint having been made by ye Churchwardens & Overseers of ye Poor of ye Psh of Desborough Aforesd unto Us whose hands and Seales are hereunto Sett two of his Majesties Justices of ye Peace for this County (one of us being of ye Quorum)

That James Apprice and Alice his Wife is lately come into the sd Psh of Desborough endeavouring to Settle themselves there Contrary to Law and are likely to become Chargable to ye sd Psh. And whereas it appeareth unto us ye sd Justices upon ye Examination of ye sd James Apprice upon his Corporal Oath that he hath not done any Act or Deed whereby to gain a Settlement in ye sd Psh of Desborough. And that ye Place of his last Legal Settlement is att ye Psh of Rothwell in ye sd County he Serving an Apprenticeship to one John Curtis an Inhabitant of ye sd Psh of Rothwell. And that he cannot give Security to Indemnifie ye sd Psh of Desborough.

We ye sd Justices do thereby Adjudge ye sd Psh of Rothwell to be ye Place of ye last Legal Settlement of ye sd James Apprice. We do likewise Adjudge ye sd James Apprice to be likely to become Chargable to ye sd Psh of Desborough. These are therefore in his Majesties Name to Command you the said Churchwardens and Overseers of ye Poor of ye sd Parish of Desborough forthwith to remove and Convey ye sd James Apprice and Alice his Wife from your sd Psh to ye sd Psh of Rothwell and them leave with ye Churchwardens & Overseers of ye Poor thereof who are hereby required to receive and Provide for them as ye Law Directs. Hereof fail not att your Perils. Given under our hands and seals this 29th Day of January 1724/5.

Ja Robinson


Note: Either James and Alice successfully appealed against their removal or they were allowed to return to Desborough as their son Perrott was baptised at St Giles later that year and was buried there the following year; their daughter Mary was baptised at Desborough in 1727; and James was buried there in 1729.