Desborough Study : Settlement Records
Joseph Slough
Settlement Certificate
from Rushton
5th February
Northton ss:
| To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Desborough in the
County of Northampton |
Whereas Joseph Slowe and his Wife and Family late Inhabitants of Rushton
in the County of Northton aforsd are gone to Inhabitt and reside in
Desborough aforesd Wee the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of
Rushton aforesaid doe hereby Certify under our hands and Seales that the
Said Joseph Slowe and his Wife and Family or any of them Shall happen to
become Chargeable to or forced to aske or require reliefe of the Parish of
Desborough aforesd and have not at that time acquired any other legal
Settlement that then and in such case wee doe oblidge ourselves to receive
and provoide for them as persons Inhabiting and Setled in the Parish of
Rushton aforesaid According to the true Intent and meaning of a late Act of
Parliament in that case made & provided In Witness whereof wee have hereunto
Sett our hands and Seales the Fifth day of February In the tenth year of the
Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord George by the Grace of God of Great Brittaine
France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. Annoq Domini 1723
Sealed & Delivered (the paper being first duly
Stamped) in the presence of
John Pooley
James Harrson |
John Slowe
John Bullivant
Church Wordens |
Geo: Nunns
Overseer of ye poor |
Wee whose hands are hereunto Sett his Majties Justices of the
Peace in this County doe allow of this Certificate |
John Burditt
Jeff Barton
These are ye hands of ye parish officers |
Ja: Robinson
Elmes Spinctus |
Note: Joseph's
surname is spelled 'Slough' on the verso of the certificate and on the baptism
record of his daughter Mary who was baptised in Desborough in 1721/22.
Desborough is about 3 miles west of Rushton