To be Sold by AUCTION,
On Thursday the 27th Day of August instant, at the George Inn,
in Desborough, in the County of Northampton, at Two o'Clock in the
Afternoon, in the following Lots,
Lot 1. A MESSUAGE or FARM-HOUSE, with convenient Barns,
Stables, and other Out-buildings, and several CLOSES of very rich ARABLE
and PASTURE LAND thereunto adjoining, in DESBOROUGH aforesaid,
containing together 63 Acres, or thereabouts.
Lot 2. A CLOSE of PASTURE, in Desborough aforesaid,
called Dobbs Hall Close, containing 12 Acres, (more or less.)
Lot 3. A CLOSE of ARABLE LAND, in DESBOROUGH aforesaid, called
Plain Close, containing 5 Acres, (more or less.)
Lot 4. A CLOSE of very rich PASTURE LAND, in the Village of
DESBOROUGH aforesaid, called Calves Close, containing 2 Acres, (more or
The above Premises are in the Occupation of
Mr. William Nursey,
who has received Notice to quit at Michaelmas next.
For further Particulars, enquire of Messrs. Cole, Howes & Cole,
Attornies, in Northampton.
Northampton Mercury,
Saturday 15 August 1801