DESBOROUGH, Northamptonshire.
To be Sold by AUCTION,
On Monday the 3d Day of February next, at the House of Mr. Reynolds,
the Sign of the George, in Desborough aforesaid, between the Hours of
Four and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions
as will be then produced,
The following FREEHOLD
A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, in DESBOROUGH, aforesaid, now divided into
several Dwelling-Houses, and in the Tenures of Katharine Hubbard, Ann
Page, and John Makins, with the
Appurtenances to the same belonging.
Also, a CLOSE or inclosed GROUND, lying and being in DESBOROUGH
aforesaid, in a certain Part before the Inclosure there called Bestow
Field, containing by Admeasurement 6A.
1R. 18P.
now in the Tenure of
Robert Moore.
Also a MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, now converted into two Messuages or
Tenements, with the Yard and Barn thereto belonging, now and for many
Years past in the Tenure of the said Robert Moore and——
For a View of the Premises, apply to the said Robert Moore; and for
further Particulars, to Mr. Thomas Marshall, Attorney at Law and
Coroner, Kettering, Northamptonshire.
Northampton Mercury,
Saturday 18 January 1800