Executors' Notice, 1839
To the Debtors and Creditors of
the late Mrs. ELIZABETH WELLS,
of DESBOROUGH, in the County of Northampton, Widow, deceased.
ALL Persons having any legal Claim on the Estate of the said
Deceased, are requested to send their Accounts to her Executors,
John Nursey,
or James Asser,
of Desborough, or Edward Bates, of Kettering, forthwith, in order that
the same may be paid and discharged.
All Persons now standing indebted to the Estate aforesaid, are
requested to pay the Amount of their
respective Debts to the said Executors, to prevent further Application.
Desborough, August 29th, 1839.
Northampton Mercury,
Saturday 31 August 1839