Thursday the 29th day of March instant, about six o'clock in the
Evening, at the George Inn, in Desborough, in the county of Northampton,
subject to such conditions of sale as will be then produced,
The following valuable Freehold and Tithe-free ESTATES, namely:--
Lot 1. All that MESSUAGE,
with the out-buildings, yard, garden, and appurtenances to the same,
adjoining and belonging, pleasantly situate in the High-street, in
Desborough, aforesaid, and now in the occupation of
James Roughthorne.
Lot 2. All that CLOSE of arable LAND, called Garbert Close,
lying and being in the lordship of Desborough aforesaid, at a very short
distance from the Town, and adjoining the road leading to Harrington,
containing 12 Acres (more or less), and now in the occupation of John
Lot 3. All that CLOSE
of pasture LAND, called Windmill
Bank, adjoining lot 2, and lying next the road leading from Desborough
to Braybrooke, containing six acres (more or less), and now in the
occupation of Samuel Kilborn.
Lot 4. All that CLOSE
of pasture LAND, called Cross
Post Close, containing 14 Acres (more or less), adjoining lot 3, and
being the next close on the Braybrooke Road, and now in the occupation
of Robert Kilborn.
Lot 5. All that CLOSE
of rich meadow LAND, called
Cross Post Meadow, adjoining lot 4, and also lying next the Braybrooke
Road, containing six acres (more or less), and now in the occupation of
Robert Foster.
Lot 6. All that CLOSE
of arable LAND, lying and being
in the lordship of Desborough aforesaid, adjoining the road leading to
Harborough, containing about two acres (more or less), and now in the
occupation of Joseph Vesey.
Lot 7. All that CLOSE
of arable LAND, called Plain
Close, situate in the lordship of Desborough aforesaid, adjoining the
road leading to Pipwell, containing 4A.
1R. 0P.,
or thereabouts (more or less), and now in the occupation of Mr. Wm
The whole of the above Property is occupied by respectable Tenants;
and Possession may be had at Lady Day, 1833.
The respective Tenants will show the Property, and for further
Particulars application may be made to Mr. LAMB,
Solicitor, Kettering.
Kettering, March 15th, 1832.
Northampton Mercury,
Saturday 24 March 1832