AT a very large and influential MEETING of the CREDITORS of the late Banking Firm of Messrs. INKERSOLE, GODDARD, and GODDARD, of MARKET HARBOROUGH, held at the Swans Hotel, on Tuesday, the 25th of April, 1843.

WM. DE CAPELL BROOKE, Esq. in the chair,

It was unanimously Resolved,

That this meeting desires that every effort should be made to wind up the affairs of the Bank by means of a general Conveyance and Assignment and Trust Deed, without proceeding to open the Fiat in Bankruptcy already issued against the parties.

That the following gentlemen, who are considerable creditors of the Estate, be requested to act as Trustees, namely, Messrs. Nunneley, Hubbard, and Heygate, of Market Harborough; Mr. Fisher, of Little Bowden; Mr. Robert Attenborough, of Braybrooke; Mr.  Cave, of Desborough; Mr. Bland, of Dingley; Mr. Andrews, of Church Langton; Mr. Kendall, of Weston; and Mr. Berry, of Ashley.

That in order to induce the above gentlemen to act as such Trustees, the individual creditors present at the meeting pledge themselves to contribute pro rata according to the amount of their respective debts towards any costs, damages, or expences,  the Trustees may be put to by reason of their so acting.

That the Trust Deed now submitted to the Meeting be adopted, and the Creditors are earnestly recommended to sign the same as early as possible, to enable the Trustees to ascertain whether they can safely proceed to wind up the affairs under the Deed, or a Bankruptcy must be resorted to.



DUPLICATES of the Deed of Trust now lie for Signature at the Bank, and at the office of Mr. Douglass, Solicitor; and if the Creditors will attend and sign the Deed at either of these places, it will save considerable expence to the Estate by rendering unnecessary personal application to be made to them at their residences.

By order of the Trustees,
JAS. LEY DOUGLASS, their Solicitor.
Market Harborough, April 26th, 1843

 Northampton Mercury, Saturday 29 April 1843