In DESBOROUGH, in the County of Northampton,
At the King's Arms Public House, in Desborough, aforesaid, on Monday
the 4th Day of October, 1824, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, unless
previously disposed of by private Contract, of which due Notice will be
ALL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT with the Butcher's Shop, Stable,
bullock Hovel Yard, and the Appurtenances to the same belonging, situate
in the Centre of the Village of DESBOROUGH aforesaid, adjoining the Town
Street, and in the Tenure of Mr. John Tailby, Butcher.
Also all that other MESSUAGE or TENEMENT with two Stables and
Homestead thereunto adjoining situate in DESBOROUGH aforesaid,
containing about two Roods or thereabouts (be the same more or less), in
the Occupation of Mrs. Sarah Buckby.
And also all the CLOSE of rich Land or Ground near to the said
Premises, and the Village of DESBOROUGH aforesaid, and adjoining the
Road leading to Rushton, containing one Acre or thereabouts (be the same
more or less), now also in the Occupation of Mrs. Buckby.
Immediate Possession may be had.
For a View of the Premises, apply to Mrs. BUCKBY, of Desborough
aforesaid, the Proprietor; and for Price and further Particulars, or to
treat for the same by private Contract, on or before the 30th Day of
September instant, apply to Mr. MURPHY, Solicitor, Wellingborough, at
his new Office, in Silver Street.
Northampton Mercury,
Saturday 25 September 1824
Note: The John Tailby referred to here may be: