John Dexter
Bankruptcy, 1784

Whereas the Acting Commissioners in the Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against John Dexter, now or late of Desborough, in the County of Northampton, Money-scrivener, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to the Right Honourable Edward Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that the said John Dexter hath in all Things conformed himself to the Directions of the several Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; This is to give Notice, that, by virtue of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of His late Majesty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the said Act directs, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the 30th Day of November instant.

Source: The London Gazette, Issue 12593, published on the 6 November 1784. Page 4

See also: Sale of property