Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name N who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Nicholas |
| Charles Thimelby
| Anne Poulton
Nathaniel |
Nicholas |
Nicholas |
Nicholas |
| George Watson
Nicholas | 1524
Nicholas | 1553
| Desboro
| Ellen Warner
Nicholas | 1566 est.
N | 1566 est.
Nicholas | 1577 est.
Nicholas | 1592
| Desboro
| William Manton
| Isabel Codsbrooke
Nicholas | 1596 est.
| Joan Ladde
Nicholas | 1602
| Desboro
| Maurice Farre
Nicholas | 1612 est.
| Ellen Tebbatt
Nicholas | 1614 est.
| Earls B
| Mary Neuscotte
Nathaniel | 1647
| Desboro
| Richard Hooke
| Mary Rolston
Nathaniel | 1650
| Desboro
| John Wymant
| Bridget [not known]
Nathaniel | 1651 est.
| Mary Bassett
Nathaniel | 1670 est.
Nathaniel | 1731
| Desboro
| William Coe
| Anne [not known]
| Ann [not known]
Nathaniel | 1755
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Elizabeth [not known]
| Mary Coles
Nancy | 1759 est.
| John Rudkin
Nathan | 1762 est.
| Ann Andrews
Nathaniel | 1773
| Desboro
| Nathaniel Coe
| Ann [not known]
Nathaniel | 1783
| John Coe
| Mary Coe
Nathaniel | 1790
| Desboro
| Richard Wadds
| Elizabeth [not known]
Nathan | 1794 est.
| Jane Coe
Nathaniel | 1795 est.
| Mary [not known]
Nathaniel | 1803
| Desboro
| James Coe
| Hannah Tompson
| Ann Coleman
Noah | 1809
| Desboro
| Ruth Paine
Noah | 1810
| Great C
| Sarah [not known]
Nathaniel | 1819
| Arnesby
| John Coe
| Elizabeth [not known]
| Sarah Robinson
Naomi | 1828
| Desboro
| John Perkins
| Elizabeth Yeomans
| Thomas Ginns
Naomi | 1832
| William Eagle
| Elizabeth Coe
Nathaniel | 1834
| Desboro
| Samuel Coe
| Sarah [not known]
| Abigail Marlow
Nelson | 1835
| Ketteri
| Ann [not known]
Nathaniel | 1837
| Nathaniel Coe
| Ann Coleman
Nathaniel | 1843
| Desboro
| Nathaniel Coe
| Ann Coleman
| Ann Aprice
Nancy April | 1843
| Desboro
| John Panter
| Rowena Aprice
Nathaniel | 1851
| Desboro
| James Page
| Hannah Grain
| Frances March
Naomi | 1851
| Ketteri
| William Barratt
| Elizabeth Hunt
Naomi | 1852
| Desboro
| William Panter
| Sarah Coe
Nathaniel | 1854
| Desboro
| George Coe
| Lucy Morris
| Anne Coe
Newman Shrewsbury | 1854
| Corby
| Samuel Barrett
| Elizabeth Shrewsbury
Nathaniel | 1856
| Desboro
| Nathaniel Coe
| Sarah Robinson
| Mary Ann Tebbutt
; Mary Moore
Naomi | 1858
| Desboro
| William Sturman
| Louisa Eagle
| George William Bassett
Naomi | 1864
| Desboro
| Thomas Winsall
| Ellen Yeomans
| George Edward Cuss
Nellie | 1864
| Cloughf
| Henry Cunliffe
| Priscilla Marlow
Naomi | 1873
| Sutton
| George Freeman
| Elizabeth [not known]
| Albin Ginns
Nathaniel | 1874
| Northam
| James Coe
| Jane [not known]
Nelly L | 1876
| St Panc
| Abraham Coe
| Kezia March
Nellie | 1877
| Desboro
| Joseph Miller
| Mary Ann Coe
Nathaniel | 1878
| Desboro
| George William Johnson
| Elizabeth Coe
| Maria Elizabeth Penn
Nellie | 1879
| Desboro
| John Paine
| Hannah Collis
Nellie | 1879
| Bilston
| Thomas Beavon
| Sarah [not known]
Nellie | 1883
| Desboro
| Charles Stratford
| Mary Jane Palmer [or Marlow?]
Northcot | 1883
| Isham
| William Wills
| Ellen Wilford
Nellie | 1884
| Desboro
| Frederick Ginns
| Matilda Ward
| Frederick Allen
Nellie | 1884
| Desboro
| James Bosworth
| Charlotte Feakin
Nellie | 1885
| Leicest
| Samuel Crick Marlow
| Mary Ann Claypole
Nellie | 1886
| Keighle
| Arthur J Lacey
| Elizabeth Martha Tucker
Nellie | 1886
| Cambrid
| Charles Reuben Panter
Nettie | 1887
| Desboro
| George Lee
| Emma Buckby
Nellie | 1888
| Desboro
| George Marlow
| Lydia Coe
Nellie | 1888
| Desboro
| Samuel Horsley
| Lydia Coe
| Arthur Monk
Nellie Ada | 1889
| Rushton
| George B Denton
| Sarah Jane Bamford
Nathaniel | 1889
| Ketteri
| Nathaniel Coe
| Mary Moore
Nellie | 1890
| Desboro
| William Giles
| Mary Ann [not known]
Nesta H | 1890
| Ketteri
| Alfred Barlow
| Ella Jane Mobbs
Nellie | 1892
| Desboro
| Jethro Coe
| Sarah Elizabeth Crick
Nellie | 1893
| Desboro
| Thomas Austin Jones
| Emily Louisa Binley
Nellie | 1894
| Desboro
| William Buckby
| Mary Elizabeth Yeomans
Nathaniel | 1895
| Desboro
| John Harry Coe
| Kate Elizabeth Panter
| Blanche Emma Palmer
Nellie | 1895
| Desboro
| John Joseph Pridmore
| Emma Quilla King
Nellie | 1895
| Desboro
| Reuben Ginns
| Rosina Yeomans
Nellie | 1896
| Desboro
| Arthur William Panter
| Frances Maud Mitchell
Nellie | 1896
| Desboro
Nora M | 1897
| Desboro
| Harry King
| Sarah [not known]
Nellie | 1898
| Desboro
| Richard Crick
| Lucy Loomes
Nellie | 1898
| Rushton
| Henry Thomas Hornsey
| Mary Ann Dunkley
Nora | 1899
| Desboro
| Samuel Johnson
| Adelaide March
Nellie F | 1900
| Desboro
| John Farmer Sheavyn
| Bertha Priscilla Baker
Norah E | 1900
| Desboro
| Albert Coe
| Jane Wallington
Nellie S | 1900
| Desboro
| Harry Grove
| Kate Mary Bosworth
Nellie | 1900
| Desboro
| Charles William Swan
| Elizabeth Hannah York
Nellie | 1900
| Desboro
| John Clements
| Charlotte Coe
Nellie | 1900
| Ketteri
| Frederick William Summerly
| Carrie Smith
Nellie Maud | 1901
| Desboro
| John Chatterton
| Ellen Amelia Feakin
Nellie M | 1901
| Desboro
| Daniel Feakin
| Elizabeth Coe
Nellie | 1903
| Desboro
| George Panter
| Elizabeth Morris Law
Nellie | 1906
| Ketteri
| Frederick Peacock
| Edith Marlow
Nellie May | 1908
| Desboro
| Arthur William Glover
| Louisa Eames
Nellie | 1909
| Desboro
| Frederick James Clements
| Mary Ann Morris
Nellie | 1909
| Rothwel
| Henry Law
| Emma Clarke
Newman James | 1910
| Rothwel
| Allen Allbright
| Emily Feakin
Nellie Dora Elsie | 1911
| Desboro
| Herbert Ernest Giles
| Lenora Kilmister
Nerissa | 1911
| Desboro
| Henry Smith
| Mary Ann Tailby
Norman | 1912
| Desboro
| Arthur Marlow
| Florence Annie Maud Davenport
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