Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Lydia who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Lydia | 1689 est.
| David Cooper
Lydia | 1714
| Desboro
| David Cooper
| Lydia [not known]
Lydia | 1725
| Desboro
| Samuel Wheatly
| Mary [not known]
Lydia | 1764
| Thomas Yeamans
| Elizabeth Ghost
Lydia | 1825
| Old
| William Marlow
Lydia | 1832
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Ann Cursley
| Joseph Yeomans
Lydia | 1834
| Rothwel
| Joseph Baxter
| Mary [not known]
| William Wallington
Lydia | 1840
| Foxton
| Moses Yeomans
| Alice [not known
Lydia | 1843
| Rothwel
| Henry Walker
| Elizabeth Peberdy
| Benjamin Flude
; George Bradlaugh Williams
Lydia | 1844
| London
| Benjamin Riley
| Hannah Cragg
Lydia | 1852
| Desboro
| William Marlow
| Alice Harris
| Robert Turner
Lydia | 1852
| Desboro
| John Marlow
| Ann [not known]
| James Redman
Lydia | 1854
| Desboro
| George Panter
| Lucy Coe
Lydia | 1855
| Desboro
| Samuel Ginns
| Maria Page
| Eli Ward
Lydia | 1857
| Desboro
| John Swain
| Emma Coe
Lydia | 1860
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Elizabeth Martin
| George Marlow
Lydia Maria | 1861
| Wilbars
| William Chapman
| Elizabeth [not known]
| Walter Sharman
Lydia | 1862
| Desboro
| Joseph Yeomans
| Lydia Coe
Lydia | 1862
| Desboro
| Reuben Coe
| Ann Payne
| Samuel Horsley
Lydia | 1863
| Desboro
| William Page
| Ann Kendall
| George Harris
Lydia | 1868
| Desboro
| George Baldwin
| Lucy Buckby
| Harry Marlow
Lydia | 1873
| Desboro
| Josiah Panter
| Louisa Turner
| Harry Panter
Lydia Ann | 1884
| Desboro
| Montague Pell Yeomans
| Ann Elizabeth Wilford
Lydia | 1886
| Yardley
| Henry Sturgess
| Rebecca Morton
Lydia | 1887
| Desboro
| William Murkitt
| Susannah Monk
Lydia Iris | 1917
| Desboro
| Frederick Oscar Horsley
| Letty Maud Towell
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