Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Julia who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Julia | 1656 est.
| Robert Garton
| Ferdinando Poulton
Julia | 1828
| Rothwel
| William Harris
Julia | 1836
| Brixwor
| Lewis William Cave
Julia Ann | 1841
| Braintr
| Samuel Hillyard Loake
Julia Maria | 1856
| Rothwel
| James Hercock
| Sarah C Coles
Julia | 1860
| Desboro
| William Johnson Andrews
| Emma Saunders
| Thomas Morris
Julia Annie | 1861
| Shoredi
| Samuel Hillyard Loake
| Julia Ann Jago
Julia | 1865
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Ann Yeomans
| Albert Horace Fenton
Julia | 1868
| Desboro
| Clarke Page
| Dinah Barratt
Julia Eliza | 1868
| Desboro
| Mark Augustus Ginns
| Eliza Allen
| Thomas Henry Esden
Julia | 1871
| Rothwel
| Thomas Breakspear
| Mary Slow
Julia | 1875
| Desboro
| Samuel Panter
| Eliza Coe
| Thomas Manton
Julia | 1875
| Ketteri
| Frederick Loasby
| Betty Binley
Julia Mary | 1880
| Derby
| Benjamin Beevers
| Annie Newsome
| Frank Joseph Marlow
Julia E | 1892
| Desboro
| John Panter
| Selina Coe
Julia Adelaide | 1899
| Tur Lan
| John Mitchell Gould
| Katie Stanwick
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