Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Harriett who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Harriett |
| Percy Cooper
Harriett | 1829
| Desboro
| Rufus Tyrrell
Harriett | 1829
| Badby
| Samuel Bird
| Elizabeth [not known]
| Peter Wareing
Harriett | 1830
| Desboro
| William Coe
| Sarah Coe
Harriett | 1833
| Desboro
| Henry Turner
| Ann Panter
Harriett | 1840
| William Roe
| Sarah [not known]
Harriett | 1841
| Biggles
| William Deacon
Harriett | 1843
| Worthin
| John Monk
Harriett | 1843
| Haselbe
| John Letts
| Lucy Goddard
| Benjamin Cheney
; Henry Marlow
Harriett | 1845
| Glendon
| James Chapman
| Sarah Shatford
Harriett | 1850
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Esther Johnson
| Samuel Panter
; Henry Bolton
Harriett | 1850
| Corby
| Samuel Barrett
| Elizabeth Shrewsbury
Harriett | 1852
| Desboro
| Thomas Marlow
| Ruth Coe
Harriett Coe | 1853
| Desboro
| George Burrows Groocock
Harriett | 1855
| Desboro
| James Marlow
| Ruth [not known]
| Matthew Coe
Harriett | 1855
| Rochest
| George William Turner
Harriett | 1860
| Desboro
| John Collis
| Lucy Bosworth
| Albert Marlow
Harriett | 1861
| Desboro
| John Forester Kendall
| Emma Morris
| Frederick Charles Fenton
Harriett | 1865
| Desboro
| George Rowe
| Adelaide Crick Marlow
Harriett | 1865
| Little
| William Hornsby
| Alice Dawes
Harriett Rebecca | 1866
| Desboro
| Joseph Wallington
| Emily Page
| Charles Goodman
Harriett | 1871
| Desboro
| Robert Coe
| Eliza Marlow
Harriett Florence | 1872
| Hilgay
| James Gotobed
Harriett | 1873
| Desboro
| George Baldwin
| Lucy Buckby
| Charles Albert Tebbutt
; Henry Davenport
Harriett | 1873
| Desboro
| Frederick Ginns
| Matilda Ward
| Alfred Murkett
Harriett | 1874
| Rothwel
| George Henry Yeomans
| Margaret Ann Ward
Harriett E | 1876
| London
| George Thomas Plumb
| Ann Elizabeth Chater
Harriett | 1878
| Desboro
| Nathaniel Page
| Frances March
| Harry York
Harriett | 1886
| Desboro
| Frederick Charles Fenton
| Harriett Kendall
Harriett Kate | 1889
| Desboro
| Thomas Manton Bennett
| Clara Kendall
Harriett | 1889
| Desboro
| Samuel Feakin
| Elizabeth Hickman
Harriett Elizabeth | 1901
| Desboro
| Robert Panter
| Mary Maria Cheney
| John Robert March
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