Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Gertrude who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Gertrude | 1871
| Bromley
| John Lindsay Joyce
| Elizabeth Ann Andrews
Gertrude | 1881
| Desboro
| William Deacon Tailby
| Amelia Rose Mee
| Tom Haycock
Gertrude | 1881
| Ketteri
| Robert Bailey
| Sybel Nursey
Gertrude Elizabeth | 1883
| Desboro
| Isaac Buckby
| Elizabeth Jane Kirby
| Tom Foster
Gertrude | 1883
| Loughbo
Gertrude | 1885
| Great B
| Henry Bolton
| Harriett Coe
Gertrude | 1886
| Desboro
| Frederick Johnson Coe
| Mary Coe
Gertrude | 1886
| Desboro
| Alfred Panter
| Mary Ann Bindley
| William Murkitt
Gertrude | 1886
| Everdon
| Daniel Carter
| Jane Turner
Gertrude | 1887
| Rothwel
| William Willis
| Eliza Austin
Gertrude Ethel | 1887
| Irchest
| William Thomas Crick Marlow
Gertrude Mary | 1888
| Warkton
| John Lawrence
| Louisa Eleanor Bishop
Gertrude | 1888
| Leicest
| Samuel Crick Marlow
| Mary Ann Claypole
Gertrude Annie | 1888
| Harring
| Joseph Hall
| Caroline Manning
Gertrude E | 1889
| Grantha
| George Luck
| Charlotte Ward
Gertrude M | 1890
| Desboro
| Clarke Page
| Eliza Jane Marriott
Gertrude Lovett | 1893
| Desboro
| Alfred Samuel Lovett Turner
| Amy Coe
Gertrude | 1899
| Desboro
| Robert Bindley
| Rebecca Freeman
Gertrude | 1900
| Desboro
| George Harris
| Lydia Page
Gertrude | 1900
| Desboro
| John Allen
| Lucy Ann Coe
Gertrude | 1900
| Desboro
| Thomas William Johnson
| Hannah Martin
Gertrude | 1901
| Desboro
| Albert Fenton Panter
| Elizabeth Howe
Gertrude | 1905
| Desboro
| Henry Smith
| Mary Ann Tailby
Gertrude | 1909
| Desboro
| John Lee
| Lucy Morris
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