Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Florrie who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Florrie | 1873
| Desboro
| John Elkington
| Eliza Coe
| James Scotney
Florrie | 1877
| Desboro
| George Frederick Woollard
| Sarah Pridmore
| William Keech
Florrie Ann | 1879
| Desboro
| George William Turner
| Louisa Panter
Florrie Maud | 1879
| Desboro
| George Dickerson
| Susanna Walker
Florrie | 1885
| Desboro
| Albert Marlow
| Harriett Collis
Florrie | 1888
| Ketteri
| John Thomas Payne
Florrie | 1890
| Desboro
| George Bindley
| Clara Ellen Marlow
| Alfred Ward Coe
Florrie | 1891
| Desboro
| William Freeman
| Hannah Binley
Florrie | 1891
| Badby
| John Bull
| Elizabeth Wareing
Florrie | 1892
| Desboro
| Charles Dunkley
| Alma Mary Fenton
Florrie | 1892
| Desboro
| John Freer
| Jane Eagle
Florrie | 1894
| Desboro
| Titus Coe
| Amelia Winsall
Florrie | 1894
| Desboro
| John Clements
| Charlotte Coe
Florrie | 1897
| Desboro
| John Joseph Pridmore
| Emma Quilla King
Florrie | 1898
| Desboro
| John Allen
| Lucy Ann Coe
Florrie | 1899
| Desboro
| John William Terry
| Emma Morris
Florrie Carew | 1900
| Desboro
| George Edgar Carew Dillon
| Rose Edith Coe
Florrie | 1903
| Ketteri
| Alfred Loasby
| Emma Amelia Ginns
Florrie | 1903
| Desboro
| Charles Woods
| Edith Coe
Florrie Mabel | 1905
| Rothwel
| John Law
| Clara Beedsworth
Florrie | 1907
| Ketteri
| Bennett Allen
| Mary Ann Ball
Florrie | 1908
| Desboro
| William King
| Sarah Ann Wallis
Florrie | 1910
| Desboro
| Edward Samuel Horsley
| Sarah Jane Chapman
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