Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Esther who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Esther |
| Bozeat
| John Wallis
Esther | 1691
| Thorpe
| Bartin Gutteridge
Esther Barral | 1755
| Desboro
| Elizabeth Hulbard
Esther | 1763
| Desboro
| William Coe
| Mary Panter
| William Cox
Esther | 1764
| William Bosworth
Esther | 1772
| Desboro
| John West
| Elizabeth [not known]
| Robert Nursey
Esther | 1772 est.
| Samuel Crick
Esther | 1773
| Desboro
| Mary Green
Esther | 1777
Esther | 1779
| Desboro
| Thomas Hulbert
| Elizabeth Iliffe
Esther | 1790 est.
| Wilmer Wright
Esther | 1798 est.
Esther | 1809
| Desboro
| John Robinson
| Mary [not known]
| Henry Thornton
Esther | 1814
| Braybro
| Wilmer Wright
| Esther Tilley
Esther | 1815
| Rothwel
| John Coe
Esther | 1827
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Elizabeth [not known]
| John Tomkins
Esther | 1838
| Husband
| George York
Esther | 1843
| Irchest
| Charles Belcher
Esther | 1848
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Esther Johnson
| Luke Coe
; Alfred Ginns
Esther | 1849
| St Panc
| Benjamin Riley
| Hannah Cragg
Esther | 1856
| Desboro
| Isaac Horsley
| Sarah Hornbuckle
| Arthur Coe
Esther | 1856
| Wilbars
| Samuel Timson
Esther | 1860
| Desboro
| Robert Coe
| Mary Ann Cooke
Esther | 1868
| Desboro
| Charles Tomkins
| Sarah [not known]
| Henry Panter
Esther M | 1870
| Rothwel
| William Taylor
| Elizabeth Mary J [not known]
Esther Rose | 1878
| Ewehurs
| Samuel Riley
| Margaret [not known]
| John Harris Humfrey
Esther M | 1886
| Desboro
| John Groocock
| Elizabeth Coe
Esther Minnie | 1886
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Emma Lee
| Frederick Elkington
Esther M | 1894
| Desboro
| James Tomkins
| Mary Ann Sanders
Esther Matilda | 1903
| Desboro
| John Starkey
| Elizabeth Timson
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