Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Elsie who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Elsie Jane |
| Arthur Coe
Elsie Mary |
| Harry Murkitt
Elsie E | 1885
| Ketteri
| Frederick Roland Patrick
| Minnie Oakley
Elsie | 1887
| Desboro
| John Panter
| Selina Coe
Elsie | 1887
| Desboro
| Arthur Coe
| Esther Horsley
| John Marlow
Elsie | 1888
| Desboro
| Thomas Ward
| Mary Ann Lenton
Elsie | 1889
| Desboro
| Hugh Blissett
| Mary Jane Sturman
Elsie | 1889
| Rothwel
| William Wills
| Ellen Wilford
Elsie E | 1890
| Leicest
| George Gamble Asher
| Eliza Moore
Elsie May | 1890
| Desboro
| John Plowright
| Eliza Ginns
Elsie Ann | 1890
| Desboro
| Alfred James Dawkins
| Lizzie Page
Elsie | 1890
| Ketteri
| Charles Bambridge
| Anne Ginns
Elsie | 1892
| Desboro
| John Allen
| Lucy Ann Coe
Elsie | 1892
| Desboro
| Horace Johnson Coe
| Ellen Yeomans
| Horace Coe
; Thomas Hudson
Elsie M | 1892
| Ketteri
| Samuel Linnett
| Clara Asher
Elsie | 1892
| Caldeco
| Albert Smith
| Mary J [not known]
Elsie | 1893
| Desboro
| William Bassett
| Clara Ann Marlow
Elsie | 1893
| Desboro
| Charles William Swan
| Elizabeth Hannah York
Elsie | 1893
| Desboro
| Richard Crick
| Lucy Loomes
Elsie | 1894
| Desboro
| George Yeomans
| Ellen Elizabeth Panter
Elsie | 1894
| Desboro
| John Freer
| Sarah Jane Sanders
Elsie Florence B | 1897
| Desboro
| Frank Roughton Turner
| Hannah Elizabeth Kinder
Elsie | 1898
| Desboro
| Arthur Tebbutt
| Mary Plowright
Elsie Elizabeth | 1898
| Desboro
| George Culpin
| Frances Elizabeth Harris
Elsie | 1899
| Desboro
| John Harry Coe
| Kate Elizabeth Panter
Elsie | 1899
| Desboro
| William Robert Looker
| Elizabeth Maria Marlow
Elsie Lily | 1900
| Ketteri
| Amos Clarke
| Mary Jane Fletcher
Elsie | 1900
| Desboro
| Alfred Taylor
| Martha Woods
Elsie | 1900
| Ketteri
| George Freer
| Sarah A Tebbutt
Elsie Florence | 1901
| Desboro
| Joseph Walter Jeffcoat
| Mary Maria Keech
Elsie | 1902
| Desboro
| Charles Woods
| Edith Coe
Elsie Clarissa | 1902
| James Jesse Paine
| Mary Ann Tyrrell
Elsie | 1903
| Rothwel
| George Law
| Clara Beedsworth
Elsie | 1903
| Ketteri
| Frederick William Summerly
| Carrie Smith
Elsie | 1907
| Desboro
| Alfred Barratt
| Emily Burton
Elsie May | 1910
| Desboro
| Arthur Charles Manning
| Edith Jones
Elsie | 1910
| Desboro
| Arthur William Glover
| Louisa Eames
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