Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Eleanor who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Eleanor |
| Samuel Crick
| Elizabeth [not known]
Eleanor |
Eleanor | 1536 est.
Eleanor | 1584 est.
| John Groocoke
Eleanor | 1602
| Desboro
| William Manton
| Isabel Codsbrooke
Eleanor | 1605
| Desboro
| Maurice Farre
Eleanor | 1611 est.
| Henry Dexter
Eleanor | 1638
| Desboro
| John Atkins
| Bridget Marriott
Eleanor | 1641
| Desboro
| Thomas Codsbrook
| Elizabeth [not known]
| John Miller
Eleanor | 1694 est.
| Desboro
| John Curtis
Eleanor | 1697
| Desboro
| John Smith
| Elizabeth Smeaton
Eleanor | 1702 est.
| William Cave
Eleanor | 1720
| Desboro
| John Curtis
| Eleanor [not known]
Eleanor | 1794
| Desboro
| Matthias Stanyon
| Sarah [not known]
Eleanor | 1808
| Cottesm
| Robert Suter
Eleanor | 1823
| Harding
| James Chaplin
Eleanor | 1850
| Flore
| James Byrne
Eleanor | 1851
| Desboro
| George Panter
| Lucy Coe
| Titus Coe
Eleanor Maria | 1868
| Midhurs
| Thomas William Wyatt
| Charlotte Sophia Dobbs
Eleanor Esther | 1873
| Lamport
| Thomas Dixon
| Eliza Ann [not known]
Eleanor Susanna | 1875
| Northam
| Herbert Dean
Eleanor | 1880
| Northam
| Lewis Kilborn
| Emma Tailby
Eleanor Elizabeth | 1881
| Desboro
| George William Bassett
| Naomi Sturman
Eleanor Elizabeth | 1885
| Desboro
| Harry King
| Sarah [not known]
Eleanor E | 1896
| Rothwel
| Joseph Dunmore Bosworth
| Florence Ellen Robinson
Eleanor | 1897
| Desboro
| Albert Smith
| Mary J [not known]
Eleanor Olga | 1898
| Desboro
| Albert Johnson
| Lucy Drusilla Coe
Eleanor Muriel | 1899
| Desboro
| Herbert Dean
| Eleanor Susanna [not known]
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