Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Dorothy who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Dorothy |
| John Stiffe
Dorothy |
| [male] Watson
Dorothy |
| Edward Weston
Dorothy | 1556 est.
| Robert Cook
Dorothy | 1568 est.
| Thomas Treslove
Dorothy | 1572
| Desboro
| William Chapman
Dorothy | 1586
| Desboro
| William Dicks
Dorothy | 1586
| Desboro
| George Shelston
Dorothy | 1587
| Desboro
| William Houghton
| Ann Coop
Dorothy | 1593
| Desboro
| William Warwicke
Dorothy | 1596
| Desboro
| M Bennette
| John Brette
Dorothy | 1605 est.
| Desboro
| William Watkin
Dorothy | 1612 est.
| John Alderman
Dorothy | 1620 est.
| Braybro
| Edward Waples
Dorothy | 1620 est.
| Robert Ladde
Dorothy | 1652
| Desboro
| Edward Horsman
| Mary [not known]
Dorothy | 1661 est.
| John Waples
Dorothy | 1750 est.
| John Forster
Dorothy | 1780
| Desboro
| Thomas Hawes
| Mary [not known]
Dorothy | 1815
| Desboro
| William Walters
| Jane [not known]
| Joseph Andrews
Dorothy | 1852
| Kneesal
| Edwin Sims Baguley
| Lucy Tongue
Dorothy | 1885
| Bromley
| John Lindsay Joyce
| Elizabeth Ann Andrews
Dorothy Rose | 1893
| Sheepy
| Richard Lovett Turner
| Emma Amelia Russ
Dorothy Helen | 1894
| Desboro
| Frederick Burditt
| Clara Johnson
| Frank James Crick
Dorothy S | 1894
| Desboro
| Frank Andrew Asher
| Annie Eliza Pickering
Dorothy Grace | 1895
| Berkham
| Richard Yeomans
| Agnes Priestland
Dorothy | 1895
| Leicest
| William Bollard
| Emma Litchfield
Dorothy Hannah | 1897
| Manton
| William Dean
| Mabel Amelia Tailby
Dorothy Annie | 1898
| Kelmars
| Joseph Cope
| Dinah Isabella Sturgess
Dorothy | 1898
| Desboro
| George Marlow
| Lydia Coe
Dorothy Emma | 1899
| Desboro
| Ernest Pettitt
| Emma Horner
Dorothy | 1899
| Desboro
| John Henry Barber
| Ellen Laura Crick
Dorothy Rose | 1900
| Desboro
| Frederick Glover
| Florence Rose Ginns
Dorothy | 1900
| Pytchle
| William Buckby
| Elizabeth [not known]
Dorothy Maude | 1900
| Desboro
| Ernest William Shingfield
| Mary Ann Glover
Dorothy M | 1900
| Ketteri
| George Alfred Mayes
| Ada Asher
Dorothy Ivy | 1900
| Desboro
| Edward Samuel Horsley
| Sarah Jane Chapman
Dorothy Blanche | 1902
| Desboro
| Francis John Ginns
| Anne Amelia Goodman
Dorothy | 1902
| Ketteri
| Edith Emily Hodson
Dorothy Eva | 1904
| Desboro
| William Curtis
| Sarah Elizabeth Spencer
Dorothy Maud | 1904
| Desboro
| Charles William Laundon
| Dorcas Yeomans
Dorothy Edith | 1904
| Rushden
| Bernard George Coe
| Sarah Edith Green
Dorothy | 1907
| Lowdham
| George Ernest Aiers
| Lucy Marlow
| Frederick Arthur Groocock
Dorothy | 1908
| Desboro
| Richard Vickers
| Kate Noble
Dorothy Irene | 1909
| Fred Andrews
| Minnie Buckby
Dorothy Violet | 1911
| Desboro
| Thomas Manton
| Julia Panter
Dorothy E | 1920
| Desboro
| Arthur Blissett
| Edith Ellen Johnson
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