Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name David who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
David |
| Thirza Buckby
David or Nathaniel |
| Mary [not known]
David |
| Adelaide Rowe
David | 1689 est.
| Lydia [not known]
David | 1700 est.
| Desboro
| Elizabeth Groocock
David | 1711
| Desboro
| David Cooper
| Lydia [not known]
David | 1727 est.
| Mary Bishop
David | 1744
| Desboro
| William Kidney
| Mary Dawkins
| Mary Simson
David | 1752 est.
| Desboro
| Mary [not known]
David | 1753 est.
| Ann [not known]
David | 1756
| Desboro
| William Coe
| Mary Panter
| Mary Barram
David | 1775
| David Sutton
| Mary [not known]
| Sarah [not known]
; Frances Chambers
David | 1783
| Desboro
| David Deacon
| Ann [not known]
David | 1788 est.
| Wollast
| Elizabeth Long
David | 1794
| Desboro
| John Miller
| Elizabeth Chester
| Frances Ward
David | 1799
| Joseph Rowthorne
| Hannah Smeeton
David | 1804
| Desboro
| Joseph Rowthorne
| Hannah Smeeton
| Lucy Yeomans
David | 1809
| Desboro
| John Moore
| Ann Deacon
David | 1811
| Desboro
| William Barratt
| Dinah Tomson
| Ann Reynolds
David Allen | 1813
| Rothwel
| Harriet Powell
David | 1815
| Desboro
| Jonathan Deacon
| Ann [not known]
David | 1819
| Northam
| Hephzibah Johnson
David | 1824
| Rothwel
| Amy Robinson
David | 1826
| Desboro
| Jonathan Deacon
| Ann [not known]
David | 1829
| Desboro
| William Pridmore
| Mary [not known]
| Hannah [not known]
David | 1834
| Desboro
| David Barratt
| Ann Reynolds
David | 1838
| Rothwel
| Robert Chapman
| Alice Laundon
David | 1840
| Little
| Charlotte Whitmee
David Roche | 1841
| Edward Vandeleur
| Mary Jane Cave
David Wilding | 1842
| Burnham
| Charlotte Smith
David | 1842
| Preston
| Caroline Tomblins
David | 1843
| St Panc
| Benjamin Riley
| Hannah Cragg
David | 1845
| Rothwel
| John Hornsby
| Dinah Newcombe
David | 1848
| Woodfor
| William Watts
| Mary Deacon
David | 1857
| Desboro
| James Monk
| Martha Marks
David A | 1866
| Walgrav
| William Coles
| Elizabeth [not known]
David | 1868
| Middlet
| Samuel Crick Marlow
| Mary Ann Claypole
David | 1872
| Wilbars
| Edward Sanders
| Selina Marlow
| Emma Wallis
David | 1875
| Northam
| John Russell Barratt
| Elizabeth Yeomans
David | 1876
| Scaldwe
| William John Worth
| Elizabeth James
David | 1880
| Desboro
| James Paine
| Clarissa Robinson Crisp
| Alice Ann Coe
David | 1896
| Desboro
| Thomas Deacon
| Ellen Stratford
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