Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Clara who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Clara | 1816
| Northam
| George Bugg
| Charlotte [not known]
Clara | 1832
| Desboro
| Thomas Marlow
| Ruth Coe
Clara | 1834
| Desboro
| James Coe
| Hannah Page
| Charles Page
Clara | 1840
| Lower H
| Benjamin Hart Bamford
Clara | 1840
| Rothwel
| Thomas Miller
| Ann [not known]
Clara | 1843
| Desboro
| Robert Marlow
| Ann Robinson
| James Buckby
Clara | 1846
| Desboro
| Thomas Ginns
| Ann Turner
| Thomas Swain Manton
Clara | 1848
| Desboro
| Thomas Bosworth
| Rachel Cursley
| William Coe
Clara | 1848
| Desboro
| George Fenton
| Mary [not known]
Clara Ann | 1849
| Orton
| John Eagle
| Mary Sturman
Clara Jane | 1849
| Ketteri
| William Tailby Smith
Clara | 1850
| Desboro
| Lewis Panter
| Jane Turner
| Joel Marlow
Clara | 1850
| Desboro
| William Morris
| Grace Rowthorn
| John Law
Clara | 1850
| Rothwel
| Charles Martin
| Rebecca [not known]
Clara | 1850
| Desboro
| George Buckby
| Jane Page
Clara | 1850
| Ketteri
| William Foster
| Sarah Page
Clara | 1850
| Leicest
| John Dawson Fowkes
| Martha Loake
Clara | 1850
| Denton
| Joseph Seaton
| Mary [not known]
Clara | 1852
| Desboro
| Charles Marlow
| Sarah Shortland
Clara | 1852
| Rothwel
| William Cox
| Ann Johnson
Clara | 1853
| Desboro
| James Panter
| Ann Neal
| Samuel Coe
Clara | 1854
| Desboro
| Charles Marlow
| Sarah Shortland
| Frederick Marlow
; George Coe
Clara | 1854
| Ketteri
| Charles Johnson
| Rebecca Mitchell
Clara | 1856
| Desboro
| John Forester Kendall
| Emma Morris
| Thomas Manton Bennett
Clara Ann | 1857
| Desboro
| John Coe
| Ann Yeomans
| John White
Clara | 1857
| Wigston
| William Hull
Clara Ann | 1858
| Desboro
| George Page
| Elizabeth Clarke
Clara | 1858
| Rothwel
| Walter Whymant
Clara | 1858
| Rothwel
| William Asher
| Sarah Deacon
| Samuel Linnett
Clara Elizabeth | 1859
| Felsted
| Joseph Shuttlewood
| Mary A Tarbert
| John Tarbert
Clara | 1860
| Rothwel
| Robert Caldwell
| Elizabeth Page
Clara | 1860
| Countes
| Thomas Neal
Clara | 1860
| Easton
| William Hickman
| Harriet Labut
Clara | 1861
| Desboro
Clara | 1863
| Wigston
| Thomas Edward Riddington
Clara Ellen | 1865
| Pipewel
| Caleb Marlow
| Mary Palmer
| George Bindley
Clara | 1865
| Desboro
| Thomas Panter
| Mary Wilson
| Robert Marlow Sanders
Clara d'Este | 1865
| Market
| George Emery
| Eliza East
| Samuel Francis Burford
Clara | 1866
| Stratfo
| Frederick Burditt
Clara | 1866
| Rushton
| John Marlow
| Rose Ann Tyrrell
Clara Ann | 1868
| Rothwel
| Job Marlow
| Eliza Baxter
| William Bassett
Clara E | 1869
| Stamfor
| Isaac Dunkley
| Mary Ann Sharp
Clara L | 1869
| Ketteri
| Owen Robinson
| Mary Coleman
Clara Lily | 1872
| Desboro
| Emma Page
Clara A | 1872
| Market
| Henry Esden
| Catherine Britten
Clara | 1873
| Desboro
| Joel Marlow
| Clara Panter
| William Whiting
Clara | 1873
| Manches
| John Allen
| Frances Ann South
Clara | 1873
| Pytchle
| Frederick James Flude
Clara | 1875
| Ketteri
| George Buckby
| Harriet Wallis
Clara | 1875
| Cotting
| George Law
Clara | 1876
| Market
| George Feakin
| Sarah [not known]
| Walter Andrews
Clara | 1877
| Burbage
| Thomas Neal
| Clara Herbert
Clara Elizabeth | 1878
| Northam
| Benjamin Cheney
Clara Ann | 1879
| Desboro
| Alfred Panter
| Mary Ann Bindley
Clara Louisa | 1880
| Leicest
| George William Worral
| Mary Ann Gardner
| Samuel James Merrill
Clara Sophia | 1881
| Leicest
| Walter Marlow
Clara | 1882
| Barnack
| Henry Snow Wright
| Mary Jane Knight
Clara A | 1885
| Desboro
| Levi Ginns
| Ann Rebecca Bell
Clara | 1885
| Desboro
| William Wallis
| Mary Ann Marlow
Clara Annie | 1885
| Desboro
| Joseph Miller
| Mary Ann Coe
Clara | 1885
| Rothwel
| William Wills
| Ellen Wilford
Clara Ann | 1886
| Desboro
| Thomas Morris
| Julia Andrews
Clara Maria | 1886
| Desboro
| Thomas Page
| Maria Ginns
| Walter Elkington
Clara A | 1887
| Rothwel
| George Perkins
| Ann Binley
Clara Annie | 1888
| Desboro
| James Paine
| Clarissa Robinson Crisp
Clara | 1888
| Desboro
| John Thomas Mitchell
| Ada Morris
Clara A | 1888
| Thrapst
| Samuel Linnett
| Clara Asher
Clara Ann | 1890
| James Coe Bindley
| Caroline Marlow
| Francis George Panter
Clara | 1893
| Rothwel
| Henry Law
| Emma Clarke
Clara | 1897
| Desboro
| George Panter
| Elizabeth Morris Law
Clara Ann | 1900
| Desboro
| George Smith
| Ellen Ginns
Clara Elizabeth | 1903
| Desboro
| Daniel Marlow
| Ada Mitchell
Clara Eliza | 1905
| Desboro
| Thomas Manton
| Julia Panter
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