Desborough People
This page lists people with the Christian name Amelia who were present at some time in Desborough.
In some cases parents and siblings have been included even where they have no direct link to Desborough, as it helps clarify relationships between those who were linked to Desborough.
Note that dates shown as "est." have been estimated as 16-18 years before the date of a marriage or the birth of the first child.
The actual date may prove to be much earlier.
Christian Name | Birt/Bapt | Place | Father | Mother | Spouse |
Amelia | 1815
| Poplar
| George Mee
Amelia | 1820
Amelia | 1835
| John Norman
| Sarah [not known]
Amelia | 1835
| Rothwel
| Robert Chapman
| Alice Laundon
Amelia | 1846
| Desboro
| John Walker
| Elizabeth Nursey
| George Feakin
Amelia | 1846
| Desboro
| George Fenton
| Mary [not known]
Amelia Rose | 1847
| Chelten
| George Mee
| Amelia [not known]
| William Deacon Tailby
Amelia | 1852
| Desboro
| John Nursey
| Jane Coe
| Elijah Marlow
Amelia | 1852
| Desboro
| Frederick Summerley
| Mary Ann Coe
Amelia | 1853
| Rothwel
| John Goodman
| Mary [not known]
| Solomon Sumpter
Amelia | 1854
| Rothwel
| William Oram
Amelia | 1855
| Kent
| Arthur Smith
Amelia | 1859
| Desboro
| John Ginns
| Ann Manton
| William Charles Coe
Amelia | 1866
| Rothwel
| Thomas Barlow
| Catherine Hulbert
Amelia | 1868
| Desboro
| John Andrews
| Elizabeth Wallis
| Arthur Loake
Amelia | 1868
| Desboro
| John Winsall
| Lois Ralph
| Titus Coe
Amelia | 1868
| Whinbur
| Thomas Evans
Amelia | 1870
| Market
| George Feakin
| Sarah [not known]
| Arthur Boon
Amelia | 1874
| Woodfor
| Thomas Boon
| Hannah [not known]
Amelia | 1878
| Desboro
| John Walker
| Ann Elizabeth March
Amelia | 1879
| Bromley
| John Lindsay Joyce
| Elizabeth Ann Andrews
Amelia | 1880
| Desboro
| William Coe
| Ann [not known]
Amelia | 1880
| Desboro
| George Summerley
| Elizabeth Morris
Amelia Jane | 1883
| Desboro
| John Marlow
| Rose Ann Tyrrell
| Lewis Panter
Amelia | 1887
| Manches
| Robert Goodson
| Emma Shepherd
Amelia Jane | 1890
| Desboro
| John William Tyrrell
| Eliza Clements
Amelia | 1892
| Yardley
| Henry Sturgess
| Rebecca Morton
Amelia | 1893
| Desboro
| Arthur Frederick Feakin
| Caroline Bassett
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