On Thursday last ended the Assizes for this County, when ten
Prisoners were capitally convicted, and received Sentence of Death, viz.
David Coe and
John Hulbert, for breaking into the House of John Loake, of
Desborough, Victualler, in the Night, and stealing thereout a Flitch of
Bacon and a Quantity of Pork; ...
John Peberdy, for stealing a Flaxen Sheet, and a Shirt, the
Property of Humphrey Walter, of Wilbarston; and Thomas Loake
and Alexander Coe, for stealing two Flaxen Shirts, the Property
of Henry Coleman, of Desborough; were severally sentenced to be
transported for seven Years.
Joseph Andrews, Wm. Smith, Wm Turrell, Elizabeth Turrell,
Benjamin Smith, John Lacy, and John Bateman, were
delivered by Proclamation....
Crowson, Ward, Burrows, and Abbott, have been since reprieved; and
the six others, viz. David Coe, John Hulbert, William Pettifer alias
Peckover, John Smith the Elder, William Bowers, and Richard Law, are
left for Execution, on Friday the 3d of August.
Northampton Mercury,
Saturday 21 July 1787