John Jarvis

Charged with assault, 13th April 1868

John Jarvis, of Desborough, shoemaker, was charged with assaulting James Coe, of the same place, on the 13th of April.—Complainant stated that on the evening of Easter Monday, he, like many others, went to Mr. Turner's dancing room to get a tot of beer, and before he had been there three minutes, the defendant came up and struck him a violent blow in the right eye, and afterwards knocked him down three times without the slightest provocation. He did not try to defend himself, but got away as soon as he could.—Complainant's master, Mr. James Payne, of Desborough Mill, and his apprentice, Henry Marlow, confirmed this statement.—The defendant produced no witnesses, but said he was irritated at the complainant on a previous occasion threatening to throw him in the mill dam on his complaining of having received two stones short of a grist of flour.—The magistrates thought this a most unjustifiable and shameful assault, and fined defendant £1 and costs £1 10d., and in default of payment the defendant was committed to the House of Correction for one month.

 Northampton Mercury, Saturday 25 April 1868