Common Assault, 28 April 1894
A Family Quarrel.—William Bennett, finisher, Desborough, was
summoned for a common assault at Desborough on April 28.—Defendant
pleaded not guilty.
—Mr. P. L. Rawlins appeared for the Complainant.
—The complainant,
Thomas A. Bindley, said he was a packer living at
Desborough, and defendant married his
sister. On the evening of the
offence defendant met him and struck him a violent blow in the eye,
knocking him to the ground, and when he was getting up defendant
repeated the blow.
—Defendant contended that the complainant first put himself into a
fighting attitude.
—Charles Humphrey, shoe finisher, said he was with Bindley on the
evening of the 28th, and deposed to the defendant assaulting
—Charles Joiner, railway employé, deposed to seeing a scuffle
between the men, and seeing defendant strike at Bindley.
—Defendant was fined in all £1.
Northampton Mercury,
Friday 11 May 1894