Desborough 1841: Turner Households

Unlike later censuses, the 1841 census of Desborough rarely shows occupations for wives or children. This does not necessarily mean that they did not assist the head of the household in his occupation.

High Street
NameM.F.OccupationBorn in County?Birth CountryInfo.
Henry  Turner50 Labourer yes England
Ann  Turner 50 yes England
Jane  Turner 15 yes England
Samuel  Turner10 Weaver yes England

High Street
NameM.F.OccupationBorn in County?Birth CountryInfo.
Henry  Turner20 Silk Weaver yes England
Mary Ann  Turner 25 yes England
Sarah Ann  Turner 2 yes England
Martha  Turner 5m yes England

Buckel Street
NameM.F.OccupationBorn in County?Birth CountryInfo.
Samuel  Turner45 Labourer yes England
Ann  Turner 50 yes England
Ann  Turner 15 yes England
John  Turner25 yes England
William  Turner25 Weaver yes England
Martha  Turner 20 yes England
Sarah  Turner 15 yes England
Robert  Turner15 Tailor no England
Sarah  Turner 15 yes England

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