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Alfred Coe
Military Records

Description of Alfred Coe

Age, apparently23   years  
Height 5   feet   5  inches
Chest Measurement 2   feet   11 ½  inches
Complexion Fresh
Eyes   Hazel
Hair   Bn
Distinctive MarksNone
Religious denomination   Church of England


I have examined the above-named Recruit and find that he does not present any of the following conditions, viz.:-
Scrofula; phthisis; syphilis; impaired constitution; defective intelligence; defects of vision, voice, or hearing; hernia; haemorrhoids; varicose veins beyond a limited extent; inveterate cutaneous disease; chronic ulcers; traces of corporal punishment, or evidence of having been marked with the letters D., or B.C.; contracted or deformed chest; abnormal curvature of spine; or any other disease or physical defect calculated to unfit him for the duties of a soldier.

He can see at the required distance with either eye, and he declares that he is not subject to fits of any description. I consider him fit for Her Majesty's Service.

Dated at  Northampton      

this 28th day of  December 1876 


Re-examined by me at  Northampton  on the  28th  day of  December 1876, and finally approved as fit for Service.

Thomas O Fanshaw Surgeon, Brigade Depot

Certificate Superintending Officer or Adjutant

I hereby certify that the above-named was enlisted at Desborough on the 27th day of December 1876  by  Serjt Goss Northampton Militia and that he was inspected by me, and I consider him in every respect fit (or unfit, as the case may be) for Her Majesty's Service, and that I have examined this attestation and find it properly filled up.

R J Chayton Lt 48 Regt   Superintending Officer, Recruiting Service.

Certificate of Approving Field Officer

I certify that this Attestation of (No.) 556   (NAME)  Alfred Coe  29 Brigade   is correct, and that the required forms required by the Mutiny Act appear to have been complied with. I accordingly approve, and post, or permanently attach under the 7th Section of the Army Enlistment Act of 1870, the above-named Recruit to 29 Brigade  for the period of his Army Service.

Date 29th December 1876

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