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Horace Coe
Military Records

Regiment: LINCOLNSHIRE REGT.      Horace Coe   deceased

STATEMENT of the Names and Addresses of all the Relatives of the above-named
deceased Soldier in each of the degrees specified below
that are now living.

Degree of relationship NAME IN FULL
of every relative now living in each
degree enquired for
of each surviving relative opposite
his or her name.
Widow of the Soldier Elsie Hudson 3 Clumber Place Worksop
Children of the Soldier and
dates of their births
Leslie Coe 7 yrs
Margaret Coe  5 yrs
3 Clumber Place Worksop
Father of the Soldier William Coe Gas St Desborough
Mother of the Soldier None  
Brothers of the Soldier  - Full Blood Lewis Coe
George Coe
Frank Coe
Gas St Desborough
Paddock Lane Desborough
Paddock Lane Desborough
Brothers of the Soldier  - Half Blood None  
Sisters of the Soldier  - Full Blood None  
Sisters of the Soldier  - Half Blood None  


I hereby declare that the above is a true and complete Statement of all the Relatives of the late Soldier now living in the degrees enquired for.

Elsie Hudson    Signature of the Declarant.

Relationship to the Soldier    Widow

Address in full    3 Clumber Place Worksop

I hereby certify that the above Statement and Declaration made by  Elsie Hudson and signed in my presence is complete and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated at    Worksop   this   18th day of  Mar  1919

Signature of Minister of Magistrate Geo Storey  JP

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